Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If I'm Gone

I don't know why...
Lately, I felt so sad adding with happy I guess...
Happy to memorize about all of my sweet SAHABATs...
My friends...
Even You are far away from me...

But when I remembered the past, it make me feel happy...
Feel sad and about to cry...
Why I can't feel the same way here, now?
Just like I have throw my heart away...
Or I don't want to fill it with the new memories...
Am I?
Sometimes I don't know where, and who can I share...
My story, my feeling, my problems, my life and...
All I know, I must turn to Allah first...
That's, what I must do...
So do You...
One of my friends told me that...
I can share with others if I want...
The one who also love Allah Taala & Rasulullah...

I felt so relieved after sharing with others a little bit...
How about You?

Every time when I heard You said...
"Here not same just like when we are all together...
Different environment...
Different place...
Different and different...
Miss all of it!"

At that moment,
I try to act normal,
Calm You with appropriate words,
Think positive...
But I can't lie to my heart...
If I can go back to the past...
I want to fly back...
But, my friends...
We must always move forward...
And that is the reality of our life...
Choose the right path...
What kind of person we want to be...
This is the best way...
To have the best, meaningful and precious life...

My friends...
If I'm gone...
I will never have the opportunity to say this...
Thank You my beloved friends...
For being my best friends till now...
Sorry for not being a good friend...
Sorry for all of my mistakes...
Sorry for not understanding You...
Sorry for the wrong words that I said to You...

So, for now...
What we must do is to be the best friend...
Ukhuwah Fillah Abadan Abada...

SaLaM TeRaKhiR

Sampaikan salam buat semua
Salam terakhir salam teristimewa
Kepada kau yang tersayang
Pada teman yang ku kenang
Pemergian ku ini tak dirancang

Usah bertanya mengapa aku
Mengucap salam terakhir kepada mu
Kerna waktu berputaran
Bimbang tak berkesempatan
Melahirkan kerinduan terhadapmu

Demi sebuah kenyataan
Yang amat menyakitkan
Aku yang tidak berdaya
Hanya berserah padaNya

Salam akhir
Salam yang teristimewa
KepadaNya ku memohon keampunan
MelaluiNya ku beri kemaafan

Andainya aku punya waktu
Masih ku ingin mengulangi semula
Saat indah bersama mu
Sayang tak berkesempatan
Abadikan saja salam ku di ingatan

Salam ku yang terakhir...=)

Friday, March 5, 2010

U Make Me Smile

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang...

Alhamdulillah... Syukur...
Thanks to Allah because we still can make a smile.
Today, I would like to talk about a smile or happy face. I think smile is one of the important thing we must have to proceed our life without any worries. Sometimes, people can't make a smile at their face. Then, others may think that maybe they have a problem, they are in a sad situation, they going through some difficulties or many more perceptions we can tell about the people who can't make a smile...

Do you know... There are so many types of smiles...

It depends on us how we want to make & create a sweet smile to others...
I love to share this song lyrics by Raihan ~'SENYUM'~

"Manis wajahmu kulihat di sana
Apa rahsia yang tersirat
Tapi zahirnya dapat kulihat
Mesra wajahmu dengan senyuman

Senyuman... Senyuman
Senyum tanda mesra
Senyum tanda sayang
Senyumlah sedekah yang paling mudah
Senyum di waktu susah
Tanda ketabahan
Senyuman itu tanda keimanan
Senyumlah senyumlah senyumlah senyumlah

Hati yang gundah terasa senang
Bila melihat senyum hatikan tenang
Tapi senyumlah seikhlas hati
Senyuman dari hati jatuh ke hati

Senyumlah senyumlah
Senyumlah seperti Rasulullah
Senyumnya bersinar dengan cahaya
Senyumlah kita hanya kerana Allah
Itulah senyuman bersedekah

Senyumlah senyumlah senyumlah senyumlah
Itulah sedekah yang paling mudah
Tiada terasa terhutang budi
Ikat persahabatan antara kita
Tapi senyum jangan disalah guna
Senyumlah senyumlah senyumlah senyumlah"

I hope we can smile happily from the bottom of our heart. So many miracles will happen only from a smile. This life is so meaningful if everyone like to give a smile. With smile we will grow up to cure our feeling to love and to be love.

"Smile at each other, smile at your parents, smile at your friend, smile at your husband, smile at your wife, smile at your children or someone we meet. It does not matter who it is and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other"

SmiLe Always, SeNyuM SokmO...